Innovo Bioanalysis, LLC is founded to develop innovative bioanalytical methodology and technology using advanced mass spectrometry to identify biomarkers in diseases with unknown mechanism in unmet medical needs. The company also offers contract bioanalytical research service for bioanalysis of biomarkers, drugs and metabolites in biological samples to address pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), drug metabolism (DM), and toxicokinetics (TK) in drug discovery and development.

News Release: Dr. Gao is chairing the Discovery Bioanalysis and New Technologies of 14th Annual Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis Meeting between Oct. 1-3, 2018 at Sheraton Boston Hotel.

News Release:  Dr.  Gao is honored to speak at DVDMDG Symposium Contributions of Women Scientists to Drug Metabolism, Drug Transporter, and Pharmacokinetics Research on June 14, 2018.